Monday, November 28, 2011

انتخابات مجلس الشعب 2011

النهارده كانت اول مرة اروح لجنة انتخاب في مجلس الشعب.
الحمد لله انتخبت النهاردة خلاص ... العملية بالنسبة ليا كانت سريعة لدرجة كبيرة انتهت في تقريبا نصف ساعة .. طبعا باقي البيت اخد وقت اكثر من كده بكثير وصل لثلاث ساعات. 
المهم انا قعدت بقالي فترة بفرز المرشحين و من ينفع و مين لأ. الصراحة دي كانت اكثر جزء ظريف في العملية كلها. و الحمدلله عرفت حاجات كثير عن احزاب كثير و ده لوحده حاجة مهمة لواحدة لسه سنة اولي سياسة.

صراحة اللجنة كانت منضبطة و منظمة و الناس في طوابير و القاضي موجود و بيتأكد من البطاقة الشخصية للمنتخبين و من سنهم.

طبعا بما اني مخدتش وقت في اللجنة فمش شوفت مخالفات كثير بس النقط التالية هي اللي اخدت بالي منا في النصف ساعة اللي قضيتها في اللجنة.

مبدئيا انا كنت مدرسة عباس حلمى الثانوية بنين امام مساكن الايجى كاب
لجنة فرعية رقم 438

١- واضح ان مخالفات الاعلانات عند اللجان كانت من اكثر من حزب .... الواضح فيهم طبعا حزب النور و حزب الحرية و العدالة في كل اللجان تقريبا .. بس برده كان في احزاب ثانية و مستقلين ... اللي انا شفته بنفسي كان حزب النور و حزب الحرية و العدالة و المرشح هشام رجب (فئات - دائرة ثالثة) و لجان في المنطقة عندنا كان في اعلانات للكتلة المصرية.

٢- كان في واحدة معلقة زي كارنيه لحزب النور جوه اللجنة و بتكلم الناس و لما سألت واحدة من جهات المتابعة عنها قالتلي لأ دي بس بتفهم الناس يروحوا فين و يصوتوا ازاي ... بس برده اعتقد ان ده مش دورها طالما هي تبع حزب في الانتخابات.

٣- كان في ورق مش مختوم و المراقبين مش اخدين بالهم ... و لما نبهتهم و طلبت ورقة ثانية القاضي قالهم يستبعدوا اي ورق مش مختوم و اخدت ورقة ثانية مختومة ... بس مقدرش احدد هل في ناس صوتت في ورق مش مختوم و لا ﻷ.

٤- كان في ناس بتصوت جنب صندوق الورق من غير ستارة و لا بانر تحت رؤية القاضي و المراقبين و محدش وجههم عشان يروحوا ورا البانر

طبعا لازم نتقبل بعض الاخطاء  اللي حصلت و لازم نتقبل النتيجة مهما كانت ..  المهم ان بكرة و باقي 
المراحل تعدي علي خير من غير مشاكل 

لازم نفرح بأول تجربة انتخاب لينا ...  كل انتخابات و انتم طيبين

Thursday, November 17, 2011

For You And Me

For you, I am an ordinary girl.
For me, you are super man.

For you, I am typical.
For me, non of this is typical.

For you, this is a game.
For me, this is reality.

For you, I am one like a million.
For me, you are one in a million.

For you, life always goes on.
For me, life only means you.

For you, this is friendship.
For me, this is impossible love.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

If tomorrow never comes - Norma Cornett Marek

"If tomorrow never comes"

If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly, and pray the Lord your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I'd see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss, and call you back for just one more.

If I knew it would be the last time I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would tape each word and action, and play them back throughout my days
If I knew it would be the last time, I would spare an extra minute or two,
To stop and say "I love you," instead of assuming you know I do.

So just in case tomorrow never comes, and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you, and I hope we never will forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you'll surely regret the day
That you didn't take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss,
And you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today, and whisper in their ear,
That you love them very much, and you'll always hold them dear.
Take time to say "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," "thank you" or "it's okay".
And if tomorrow never comes, you'll have no regrets about today.

© Norma Cornett Marek ~ 1989

An Hour To Live, An Hour To Love - Richard Carlson and Kristine Carlson

An hour to live, an hour to love is a genuine love story by Richard Carlson and Kristine Carlson. It was published on December 18th, 2007 by Hyperion.

Book Description:

If you had one hour to live and could make just one phone call, who would you call? What would you say? Why are you waiting? Richard Carlson's sudden, tragic death in December 2006 left his millions of fans reeling, but even their many letters, calls, and emails couldn't erase the loss felt by his wife, Kristine. To try and come to terms with her loss, she pored over 25 years of love letters, reliving the memories and cherishing her late husband's memory. But one letter stood out. Richard had written to his wife on their 18th wedding anniversary and attempted to answer the question: if you had one hour to live, what would you do, who would you call, and what would you say?
An Hour to Live, An Hour to Love is a profoundly moving book that shows the importance of treasuring each day as the incredible gift it is.

My Review:

Seriously, it's one of the best books I've ever read. I couldn't put it down till I finished it.

The book is devided into two parts. The first is the letter written by Richard, in which he asnwers the questions in the book description. The second is Kristine's letter as a reply for Richard's letter.

I loved the book for two reasons.
It shows that love is true and it can be found in real life. I only read about that kind of love and tragidy in novels, so it was nice to know that it do exist in this life.
Another reason is that it reminded me that somethings shouldn't wait. It either happens now or tomorrow it will be too late.

Simply, I recommend it for anyone. I am sure you wil enjoy it as much as I did.

(I have a copy of the book if you want to read it)